Wednesday 8 February 2012

A Message From New York

This morning I awoke to an email inbox that was full of rubbish. But amongst all the junk and adverts, one email stood out from the crowd and was actually regarding something I'd been waiting for with bated breath for some weeks.

A few weeks earlier...

I had been looking for a text for a new choral piece and was finding it very hard to find anything with the right subject matter, or feel, that I needed to match up with the ideas in my head. Whilst looking through various online poetry resources, suddenly a poem struck me across the face (not literally, it was on a website. Metaphorically) and I knew at that moment it was the one. Then, my heart sank. It was under copyright to a publisher in New York. After a few minutes of negative thoughts, I considered my options and decided the honorable thing to do would be to email them, be honest and basically say "I'm a student composer, I have no publisher or money, PLEASE! let me use this poem", to which I did, but in a slightly more eloquent tone.

Weeks pass...


Back to today...

I open my emails, and at the top of the list, is an email from the publisher, 'RE: Permissions'. I looked at it and immediately thought in my head what it had said on the website, (in short) 'Give all details possible, please allow one month for reply', and without question I assumed that I was going to be denied the permissions, but when I actually opened the email, the words were like a hot water bottle on a freezing cold day. Permission was GRANTED, and a contract from the publisher is on it's way from New York for me to sign on the dotted line.

On that 'note' I think it's time for me to start putting some of my own 'dots on lines', if you catch my drift. Two puns in one sentence, great stuff.


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